We offer different types of appointments.
Routine – these can be booked up to 6 weeks in advance
E-Consultations - we aim to respond within 72 hours
Telephone appointments – many issues can be dealt with over the phone
Urgent – we offer a call back the same day for urgent or acute issues
If you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency please call 111.
Home Visits
Our home visit service is for housebound and elderly patient, please call before 11 am.
Book An Appointment Online
Patients wanting to use this service must register in person at reception to gain access to the Online Appointment System.
Once you have registered or if you are already registered, you can access the online appointments via System Online below:
Appointment System
If you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency call 111.
At The Peaseway Medical Centre there are:
5 GPs,
GP Registrars - As we are a training practice you may also be booked in with a GP Registrar who are fully qualified and GMC registered doctors that have decided to specialise in General Practice. We would encourage you to consult with them to help them with their training experience.
4 Nurse Practitioners who are Highly Trained Specialist Nurses who can diagnose, prescribe and refer you to hospital if necessary.
We also have a number of nurses and health care assistants (HCAs) who can be on duty to see patients mornings, afternoons and during the evening every day.
If you are a registered patient you can be seen by any of the above clinicians – you do not need to ask to see 'your own' GP.
Please make an appropriate request. If a nurse can deal with your problem then please do not try to see a GP.
If in doubt please ask for help – and remember, advice can often be obtained over the telephone.
Community Pharmacists
In addition to dispensing prescriptions the large network of community pharmacies across Co Durham and Darlington provide a wide range of services e.g. minor ailments, sexual health and smoking cessation services.
A number of pharmacies provide extended opening hours including opening in the evenings and at weekends, details of all pharmacies in County Durham and Darlington can be accessed via www.durhamlpc.org.uk , click on the ‘pharmacies’ link on the left hand side of the home page. We recommend that you telephone a pharmacy to check they can provide the service you need before you set off.
Extended Opening Hours
We are open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 7.30 to 8.00am. This service is predominantly for patients who find it difficult to
attend the surgery during normal opening hours. All appointments are bookable in advance.
Out of Hours
If you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency call 111.
Call 999 for life threatening emergencies such as:
Major accident or trauma
Severe breathlessness
Severe bleeding
Loss of consciousness
Severe chest pain