A midwife is available at this clinic to monitor your pregnancy and to answer any questions you may have.
As a diabetic it is vitally important to keep a check on your condition including diet and medication. This may take place at the surgery where a nurse or a doctor will advise you on how to manage your diabetes.
A diabetic check should be undertaken at least once a year.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a condition that needs close attention to ensure you are on the best inhaled and oral treatment to maintain your lungs as well as possible. Inhaled treatments are changing all the time and it is important that we check you are on the right combination at least yearly.
Inhalers for asthma have progressed significantly in recent years. We have highly trained Practice nurses who have great expertise in asthma management; alongside the GPs we strongly recommend an annual review to make sure your breathing is optimised.
Along with many chronic conditions it is very important we keep a close check on those who have had a cardiac event or stroke to see whether treatments may need adjusting to promote heart health.
There is a dedicated service to help you stop smoking , to speak to a smoking cessation advisor please contact 0800 772 0565.
Family Planning
There are Family Planning Clinics every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons for all your contraception needs and queries.
Clinics for advice and fitting of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives e.g. Mirena Coils and Implanon inserts are also available .
You must make an appointment 24 hours in advance.
These clinic is only for patients of Peaseway Medical Centre.
The Family Planning Clinic is for bookable appointments only.
Minor Surgery - Referral by your GP
Minor Surgery
We would like to make Minor Surgery as straightforward and comfortable as possible. Please ask if you have any questions or worries at all.
It is important to tell us if you have had a previous adverse reaction to anaesthetic drugs or you have had a problem with bad scarring to cuts or wounds. It is also important to mention any medications or conditions that may thin the blood. We will be unable to undertake surgery if there is infection around the area.
You will be required to sign a simple consent form before the procedure.
The skin surrounding the lesion is injected with local anaesthetic. This can sting a little, but this soon fades. The effect of the anaesthetic is rapid; the skin is then sterilised and the lesion cut away following which stitches are inserted. This may involve a little “tugging” but should not be painful. A dressing will then be applied.
The procedure will take 30 minutes and the stitches put in at the time will need removing 5-10 days later. The doctor will advise you of this time.
Once the anaesthetic wears off the site will be sore or bruised. You can take paracetamol or ibuprofen if these are compatible with your usual medication and state of health. You should leave the dressing in place as long as possible. If necessary you can change it after 48 hours if it should become damp or wet in the meantime. You will need a 10 minute nurse appointment to have the stitches removed.
Finally, all lesions will be sent for further analysis to the laboratory. Check with the doctor and if necessary allow 14 days for the results to be received.
Cryosurgery (Freezing Therapy)
This is a technique used for superficial skin lesions that can be conducted by many of the doctors and nurse practitioners in surgery. Please mention this when booking your appointment.

Travel Vaccinations
Our fully qualified and experienced travel health nurses offer a private consultation to provide advice and recommendations for your personal travel itinerary.
Complete your Travel Form
When attending your appointment you must bring your vaccination record and patient summary which are available from your own surgery.
Our "One Stop" Clinic
Our “one stop” clinic includes:
A full immunisation service
Registered Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre
Comprehensive information sheets to take away
Up to the minute information on local disease hazards
Blood tests for antibody screening
Anti Malarial medication
A range of health related products
All at highly competitive rates in an easily accessible setting.
External Links
Very few travellers have significant problems with their vaccinations which are aimed at preventing potentially very serious condition. It means that you should not forego ANY of the recommended vaccinations for travel.
Please click the following link to find out which vaccinations you may require:
How to Request A Travel Vaccination Appointment
Please call 01325 528 000 to arrange a consultation