Patient online
Patient online
For Peaseway patients to access the new national “Patient Online” service they have to be registered for SystmOnline. After they have registered they may access SystmOnline via our website or by using the NHS App on their mobile phone.
SystmOnline currently offers the ability to make and cancel Appointments and to request repeat prescriptions online 24/7.
From W/C 23rd March 2015 all patients (even those currently signed up for SystmOnline) will need to sign up for the ability to see their own Patient Summary Record online.
This can only be done by attending Reception at Peaseway and providing suitable proof of identity. The form which must be completed can be accessed here. There is a helpful leaflet which can also be seen here.
Parents should note that they will only be able to access their sons and daughters records up to the age of 12. After this date Peaseway will respect their confidentially and only provide Log On information and Password to them.