Could you support your Practice?
The Practice have a very pro-active Patients Participation Group (PPG) which meets every two months. Members meet to offer support, share experiences and assist the practice in developing plans and services.
The PPG would always welcome new members who are keen to help improve the patient experience and become health ambassadors for the practice.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the group please fill in and submit the form below to the practice for the attension of the Assistant Practice Manager.
We are particularly keen to hear from younger members of the Practice Community (aged 16-45) would you contact the Practice Manager for an informal discussions by completing the following form or by calling 01325 528000
Patient Participation Group Highlights - January 2019
The PPG will update this section following each meeting.
The PPG met recently to discuss the Practices continued development embracing local and national changes including Care Navigation and Teams around Patients - both will be examined next month.
At its next meeting the PPG will discuss the new Long Term Plan and how it might impact upon us locally.
This practice continues to be one of the most innovative and high performing practices in the NHS Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCG.